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The Trace of Longevity
No matter a series of myths and legends such as Shennong Tastes a Hundred Herbs, Chang'e stolen the panacea,
Preserving Health in Ancient Ways, Exploring Longevity
From the nobility to the common people, they have used stewed donkey skin, hogskin and fish skin and so on, to make gelatin for the purpose of prolonging life for thousands of years. It was later further developed to stewingbird-nests
National Treasure from the Water, Miracle of Life
Yangtze River, as the longest river in Asia and the third in the world, is a river which has nourished the glory and civilization of Chinese nation for past five thousand year. There is a mysterious fish which migrates, inhabits as well as breeding in this River.
HUGE Exploration, Longevity Decryption
Through the longterm determination and persistency of HUGE staff, we have finally discovered the gene of longevity within the amazing cartilage tissue of Chinese Sturgeon. We have successfully extracted the first crystalline longevity gene in the whole world and we name it: Collagen II & GAG.